Dec 6, 2010

salam tahun baru hijrah!

assalammualaikum w.b.t
salam awal muharam.

wahh suda masuk tahun baru yee kita semuanya..memang laa kalau nak di ikutkan,kita selalu kurang menyambut tahun baru Islam. tapi kalau new year mat saleh,aisshh jgn cakap laa..ciap tembak bunga api bagai lagi. xadil bukan? tepuk kepala tanya la otak oke? tanya selera buat apa,makann jee tau kn? ahaa tteett!

oke laa sy disini bukan laa nak membebel pasal tahun baru baik Islam atau mat/minah saleh.sekadar memberi peringatan sedikit sebanyak. manusia kan harus saling ingat mengingati! elehh, bila i bebel sikit jee u all ckp bising..perempuan derr! normal aa..weekk!

maaf atas ketidakstabilan emosi sebentar tadi..orang baru balik kerja my dear..otak pun xberapa center laa kan! teettt. but anyway, i just wanna share few funny poems or pantun laa kot yg i dapat through email tadi..ahaa kantoi suda pegi kerja bukak email! teetttt. bos cuti kau pun mengulat laa yee? geget tinge nak? (=

lets enjoy the show..

roses are red, violets are blue
monkeys like you should be kept in the zoo!
don't feel so angry,you will find me there too
not in a cage but laughing at you! xD

jangan mara aa..nanti cepat tua! 

twinkle twinkle litter star
you should know what you are
and once you know what you are
mental hospital is not so far

and here some more..
i wrote your name on sand and it got washed
i wrote your name in the air and it was blown away
then i wrote your name in my heart...
and i got heart attack straight away!

heart attack?seriously?
and finally..

God saw me hungry, He create bread
God saw me thirsty, He create water
God saw me without problem
He create YOU

thanx for the troublesome! may God bless you.. (=
ps: this pantun is not for fooling you or making you look just simple joke to lessen your stress. i know this may not solve your problems and you might feel like wasted your time but at least..i can put a smile on your face! that's more than enough for me. 

take care fellas!
may this upcoming new year brings more triumph and luck for us! amiinn! ;)