Dec 5, 2010

kembali pulang!

assalamualaikum w.b.t

mimpi ape laa pulak kn cik ewina mengupdate belog pagi2 buta neh kn..adehh mula laa sy nak nyanyi lagu sorry.sorry.sorry ala2 super junior kn! teetttt. suara xsedap! -_-" yelaaa i taw i da lame xupdate belog uoollss..but its not my fault! masa mencemburui kita..ewaahhh! henk kot minah neh! ;P

oke2 byk sgt story mory lory yg sy nk cita neh tp saba2 laa yee syg! org tua2 ckp satu persatu gitu! ehee but anyway, just for your da stat keja! jeng jeng jeng! itulah sebab sy jarang mengupdate belog! update status mukabuku pon da xsempat ada hati nk update belog! addoiiyaii sumpah penat! *baru sy tawu erti penat mama bila blk keja. terasa keinsafan dihati! thanx alot mama..ilysm!

bab keja tuh sy akan update lebih detail bersama gambar gambarnya sekali nanti yaa? haiihh pikir pasal keja jee da buat sy rasa penat! *gedik kn? teetttt! (=

yg sy nk cita neh pasal makeup yg baru dibeli dari elianto! ahaaa pasal itu jee entri kali neh..yee! xcaye?xcaye sudah,balik-balik kena ludah! ahaaa oke2 sy mengarut! doubleteeeetttt! haha mmg laa sy baru beli blusher+eyeshadow tadi..eleh mesti korg pikir itu pun nk bgtahu satu dunia ke? ehh sukeaty bibik sy laa! ko jeles pesal? weekk! *jelir lidah sambil pejam mata kuat2! huh

sebenanye sy interested sgt ngn makeup ala2 korea neh..alaa mentang2 hang duk minat cita korea,dan2 nk update pasal korea kn? lol oke laaa i ngaku..i minat sgt cita korea nie uoollss..smp sanggup xtidoq malam tengok cita korea..dah tu kalau tgk videoclip snsd,ulang dan ulang dan ulang lagi..tanpa rasa bosan dan jemu! dasyat ouhhh penangan cita korea neh! teehee.
besides mamat2 korea yg ensem belaka, sy jugak minat tgk awek2 korea yg cun sgt neh! tp selalunya heroinnye la kan..watak2 sampingan kureng cket..mungkin their plastic surgery not complete yet. omg! plastic surgery? hell yeahh..what do you expect? still got meh girl with perfect body posture plus flawless face? oke2 memang ada tp di korea they have to go for plastic surgery before involve in entertainment industry. haa mesti korg ckp cenggini..ouhh no wonder laa muka dorg lebih kurang jee! haha banyak laa kau punya no wonder girls! teettt. 

but its reality guys..they have or must go for plastic surgery..thanks God sbb sy lahir kat Malaysia! 1Malaysia! hee bajet macam layak jadi artis..okey2 but da point is, i love their faces! no matter plastic surgery or what so ever, the doctor did a good job..transforming beast into beauty! tapi sy xpernah terfikir untuk plastic surgery oke? selain xmampu sy jugak xnak amek risiko! bukankah plastic surgery itu juga surgery? every surgery have its own risk my dear..selain itu xperlulah kita mengubah ciptaan Tuhan. (=

jadi..haa ada jadi yee kawan-kawan! walaupun kita xmampu dan xmahu mejalani pembedahan plastik,kita masih boleh jd cantik ala2 artis korea gituu..dengan makeup! for your info again..korean makeup style is more natural than heavy looking..get what i mean? maksudnya korea punya style sangat natural dan sesuai gituu untuk student mcm sy neh! yelaa nk pegi kelas xkan kau nk makeup tebal2 jalan tengah panas kot? agakk sikit der..teeett!

what you need is :
1) foundation.
2) eyeliner.
3) pink blusher.
4) lipbalm or lipice.
5) soft lipgloss colour.

there you go..i already listed what you need rite? then go and find lahh..for makeup toturial..uoollss goggle lahh ek? bukan budak baru belajar..kalau salah muka korg jd badut kg! amek kau! tehee 
ouhh visit Etude House if you wanna learn some more korean makeup tips oke? i believe their promoter will help you well drpd i yg xcukup umo nie! ahaa teett! besides their decoration pun sgt menarik kn! penuh kaler pink! i mcm xmaw keluaq dh bila masuk kedai tu! siyess. ehee ;P is some doorgift for you!

natural beauty kn? (=

omg! flawless giler muka u..u pkai skincare ape ek? ;P

are you born to be beautiful? no rite? haha

kn sy da natural jee neh! *nada jeles!

oopppsss! yg nie tersilap upload! tp xpela..malas pulak nk delete..teeett! (=

that's all my dear..nanti kita cerita panjang lebar luas besar lagi yee? masa untuk tidoq sudaa,,
selamat pagi! ;)


  1. hey ! I love em'..
    tgk jew super junior n Snsd pergh twos mlekat kt tv tuh.. teehee

  2. hyep fadhilah!
    haah kn? pastu mula laa berangan nak pi duk korea!
    haha kn?kn? ;)

  3. exactly ! da lame berangan na p korean :p
    guess what?
    3 org f3 students at my school dpt pertukaran p korea n japan for a week u .
    awhh jeles gyler der.. haha agak2 an bile turn kite eh? teehee

  4. seriously???
    waahhh syok giler!
    adoii mesti xtido mlm kn dorg 2!
    hehe ;)

  5. Cnfirm dah. Wakaka !
    hey i love reading ur entries.
    kinda hawty. :p

  6. hee tengs my dear..
    ala i budak baru nk blaja blogging..
    update pon tunggang langgang jee! huhu ;)
